Robert Loebel
Animation & Illustration
Robert Löbel ist ein mehrfach ausgezeichneter Trickfilmmacher und Illustrator. Seine Filme sind auf Festivals weltweit zu sehen und begeistern durch ihren visuellen Charme und ihren feinen Humor.
Er selbst schreibt:
As a kid I got inspired by the Ninja Turtles, Mr. Bean & the Gummi Bears. Today I create animated movies & illustrations with the aim to put some humor in daily life. To combine forces I co-founded the animation collective Klimpa. A small city near Berlin called Brandenburg is the home base of my family of four and me. I would love to help you with an illustration, a trailer, a commercial, a mural, a graphic recording, a workshop or a talk. let´s do it!

Robert Loebel

Robert Loebel

Robert Loebel

Robert Loebel

Robert Loebel

Robert Loebel