Master Design and Information

Design education in transition

The master programme in design and information is a consecutive course – i.e. it builds on knowledge you have gained in a bachelor programme in design.
This programme prepares ambitious designers interested in research for the new challenges of a continually changing society. The Würzburg master model is interdisciplinary. It helps you to gain the knowledge, ability and foresight, and the reflective and critical faculties you need in executive positions – whether in companies, agencies, institutions or in self-employment.

The Würzburger master model:
own project, proactive, interdisciplinary

Critical involvement with design begins with the definition of a problem. From this basis you apply to us with your own project proposal, which you then elaborate over the entire study period in close consultation with your supervisors. Your individual project can come from all areas of society, from culture, science or industry. The important thing is its relevance and the individuality of your proposal.
Particular to the Würzburg model is its interdisciplinary interchange with faculties, institutions and other research establishments that match the proposal thematically. You attend project-relevant lectures at the academic institutions where they are offered in order to obtain the specific knowledge you need.
At the end of the course you will have a theoretically and practically original solution to the task you have set yourself. That is, not just a formal answer to a familiar problem, but a proactive design accomplishment with new and far-reaching potential.

Research with and through design

Your studies combine design and research with the aim of further developing the classical design process between the poles of theory and practice. We understand research as a process of the reflection, visualisation and clarification of complex circumstances – and, in applied terms, as a method for achieving a better design result..


Quality assessment:
The master programme in design and information was certified without reservation by the accreditation agency ACQUIN; it is also aimed at students from abroad.

Please find the latest information here.