
Initial information

In the second semester (the fourth is also invited) a few students on a PIK course (positions, ideas, concepts) give a talk about their internships and report on their experiences in agencies and offices.

Information evening

Around the middle of the fourth semester there is an information evening on the internship. In the first half Herr Bender from the internship office explains all the legal, contractual and formal details that need to be considered.
Then Christoph Barth talks about the important points to do with application and compiling a portfolio.

Portfolio evening

A separate evening event at which students from the sixth semester show their portfolios and recount their experiences on internship in the fourth semester. Then you send off your applications!


This information session takes place during the first weeks of the summer semester. It is where the returning sixth semester conveys its practical experience to the whole faculty. Every student designs an A1 poster with all the relevant facts and imagery. (Name and address of office. What do they do? Some of the projects. Recommendable?)
The posters are printed at faculty expense by Herr Bingnet. Students stand by their posters during the three-hour exhibition period so as to answer any questions.
NB: all these events are mandatory!

After the internship

As soon as you return from your internship, make sure you submit photocopies of the following documents to Herr Bender for evaluation:
Internship reference
(issued and signed by your line manager)
This must cover a period of at least 20 weeks. It should also describe in detail your activities in the company an offer and assessment of your professional and personal abilities.

Practice report

(DIN A4, written, designed and bound by you)
This report should have approx. 15–20 pages. Along with a brief introduction to the company itself, it should cover your personal experience of the internship: what you did specifically, and how it was for you.
NB: you should adopt a respectful tone in relation to the company, because the content of your report will ultimately be confirmed and signed by your ‘trainer’. Apart from the format, the design of your practice report is up to you.
Design and printing of the Quintessenz poster
I will organise and plan this event with a few selected students from your semester.