

  • Max Seeger receives a golden nail in the media art category at the ADC Talent Competition for the work »Everything is growing. Everything is math.«
  • Katharina Katharina Landisch receives a golden nail at the ADC Talent Competition for her book »Exploration beschränkter Sichtfelder«
  • Lea Wurthmann receives a golden nail in the Design category at the ADC Talent Competition for her final project »A Scheme of Things«
  • Sandra Dotou and Julia Sukop receive a golden nail in the category holistic communication at the ADC Talent Competition for their final project »Escape Racism International«
  • Lilli Schmelz receives a silver nail at the ADC Talent Competition for her magazine “inspiration from anywhere – Cultural appropriation in design”.
  • Anna Schuierer and Paula Riek receive a silver nail in the design category at the ADC Talent Competition for their final project »Schlicht und ergreifend – von den lebendigen Dingen«
  • Jan Scheffel and Leonie Dunke receive a bronze nail in the Digital category at the ADC Talent Competition for their semester project»Schwein gehabt?«
  • Laura Schüssel receives bronze in the ADC Talent Competition in the Interface Design category for her term paper »Wegwerfgesellschaft«
  • Nadiene Siegert receives an award at the ADC Talent Competition in the category Communication in Space for her term paper »WER SPRICHT DA?«
  • Lars Schrodberger and Jakob Weber receive an award at the ADC Talent Competition for their book »Dasein 2020«
  • Maria Wilm and Johanna Geyer receive an award for their magazine “ALPHA” at the ADC Talent Competition
  • Benedikt Falkenstein receives an award in the Digital category at the ADC Talent Competition for his term project»Artificial Inspiration«
  • Theresa Schmidt receives an award at the ADC Talent Competition for her animation »Willkommen in der Manosphere«
  • Stefanie Kind receives an award at the ADC Talent Competition for her book »”Zwischen Liebe und Nutzen«
  • Verena Zirngibl is a Newcomer Finalist at the German Design Award
  • Julia Seitz is awarded at the Annual Multimedia Digital Talents Award in the category “Best Use of Creative Technology / digital Services” for her work »Can’t touch this«
  • Anna Ficker is awarded at the Annual Multimedia Digital Talents Award in the category “Best Use of Creative Technology / digital Services” for her work »Global Health«


  • Vanessa Melzner receives a Golden Nail in the category Semester Project and a Junior Grand Prix for the Best Semester Project of 2019 at the ADC Junior Wettbewerb for her film »Unipervers«
  • Anna Schuierer and Paula Riek receive a Golden Nail in the category Semester Project at the ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb for their book »schnurstracks – vom Gehen und Bleiben«
  • Verena Zirngibl receives a Golden Nail in the category Degree Project at the ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb for her book »Waiting for Inspiration«
  • Stefanie Kind receives a Silver Nail in the category Semester Project at the ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb for her sculpture series  »Opus«
  • Lars Schrodberger receives a Silver Nail in the category Semester Project at the ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb for ”Virtual Donation”
  • Huyen Trang Pham and Charlotte Klug receive a Bronze Nail in the category Semester Project at the ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb for Colorful Mind
  • Lars Schrodberger receives an award in the category Semester Project at the ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb for Lethal Gardening
  • Titus Ebbecke receives an award in the category Semester Project at the ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb for Art(ificial)
  • Sigrun Höfelmeier wins first prize in a Franco-German photographic competition
  • Daniela Kaiser receives the Newcomer Award in the competition Pressefoto Unterfranken for her series Narrenkuss


  • Luise Thoma and Verena Zirngibl receive a Golden Nail in the category Semester Project and the Junior Grand Prix for the Best Semester Project of 2019 at the ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb for their book Willkür und Drangsal
  • Theresa Viessmann receives a Bronze Nail in the category Semester Project at the ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb for her mobile application Datra«
  • Noah Müller’s project Was ist zuhause? makes it to the shortlist of the Vonovia Award for photography in the category Best Newcomer Work
  • Anna Radlbeck receives the Straubinger Kulturförderpreis 2018 in the category Visual Art
  • Anna Radlbeck wins 3rd Prize in the Design Future Awards – Kinderzimmer Digital in the category Digital Education
  • Jannis Maroscheck wins 2nd Prize in the 32nd Deutsches Studentenwerk Poster Competion for his design plus x bar
  • Anna Radlbeck receives a Bronze Nail in the category Semester Project at the ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb for Night Terror
  • Annika Kreikenboom receives the international UNESCO ICM Silver Prize for her work Silver
  • Claudius Stephanus Philipp wins First Prize in the Deutscher Jugendfotopreis
  • Noah Müller receives an Award for his series Vorzeigeort in the Deutscher Jugendfotopreis


  • Dr Christian Bauer receives the Wolfgang Heilmann Special Prize from the Integrata Foundation for the Humane Use of Information Technology with Prof. Ira Diethelm and Dr Richard Ralfs for their media educational concept Digital Maturity
  • Romina Birzer receives Silver in the category Illustration at the  GOOSEEAWARD for her MA project Faunas Frucht
  • Marco Wagner receives the Advancement Award of the Internationale Bodensee Konferenz
  • Romina Birzer receives a Golden Nail in the category Degree Project at the ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb for her MA project Faunas Frucht
  • Prof. Dieter Leistner’s DasFotografieprojekt in the summer semester 2017 is selected by the curators of the Festival fotografischer Bilder as the university contribution to the exhibition die Allgegenwart der Bilder at the Regensburger Kunstverein


  • Annika Kreikenbrohm receives the Newcomer Prize in the competition Pressefoto Unterfranken for her series Die Kunst des Capoeira
  • The children’s book Und wie ist Totsein?, created in the course Zielgruppe Kind, is published by Mixedvision Verlag
  • Caroline Schaller and Lisa Marie Kaspar receive the BFF Newcomer Prize for Photography
  • The photography department is selected by the DGPh and Leica from the best 10 international universities to take part in the exhibition the upcoming Masters of Photography at photokina
  • Eva Heidenreich and Anna Lorey receive a Golden Nail in the category Semester Project at the ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb for their book Vom Neuen
  • Laura Market, Yvonne Moser and Lilly Scheuerlein receive the German Design Award for their semester project Fluchtatlas


  • Waldemar Salesski receives the Darmstädter Stadtfotograf scholarship
  • Wilhelm-Renkhoff-Stiftung Award for Stefan Bausewein’s photographic BA project Fiktionen nach dem Krieg
  • Laura Market, Yvonne Moser and Lilly Scheuerlein receive a Golden Nail and the Award Student of the Year 2015 in the category Semester Project at the ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb for their book Fluchtatlas


  • Claudius Stephanus Philipps is awarded the Deutscher Jugendfotopreis 2014
  • Sybille Neumeyer is awarded the Aesthetica Art Prize
  • Romina Birzer wins the Silver Award in the category Illustration at the ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb for her degree project Faunas Frucht
  • Waldemar Salesski receives the Darmstädter Stadtfotograf scholarship from the Werkbund for his degree project


  • Marc Nonnenmacher receives the Adobe Design Achievement Award (ADAA) 2013 for his MA project Causal Timelines
  • Conrad Gerlach, Johannes Stacheder and Aljoscha Subke receive the Red Dot Award 2013 for their degree project Volut
  • Stefanie Golla receives Gold at the ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb for her degree project Eine für alle – Lang lebe die Königin
  • Marc Nonnenmacher receives Silver at the ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb for his MA project Causal Timelines
  • Alex Kowalski wins Bronze at the ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb for Tod und Mädchen – Egon Schiele und die Frauen
  • Further ADC Awards were received by Alex Kowalski for the folding poster Das Sitz-Plakat and Tanja Müller and Jessica Owald for deinma{h}l
  • Several students received mentions in the Output Award 2013:
    Marc Nonnenmacher (Causal Timelines), Thomas Aull (Pendulum), Romina Birzer (nebelLEBEN) and Phillip Koch (Sprachtod – Von schwindenden Sprachen und sterbenden Worten)
  • Waldemar Salesski receives the Eon Kulturförderpreis for his photographic BA project 5. Mai in Moskau


  • Anna Herrmann receives the Darmstädter Stadtfotografin 2012 scholarship from the Werkbund for her degree project
  • Tanja Angebrandt wins the TDC Communication Design Winner 2013 from the international Type Directors Club for her degree project
  • Christian Fuß and Philipp Koch receive the Sparda-Kunstpreis Amberg for the film brutal order and the photographic series Holzplätze
  • Philipp Koch wins the Zukunftspreis in the DDC competition Gute Gestaltung and the mekaward from the Medienregion Karlsruhe for his magazine Sprachtod
  • Clarissa Pflüger wins the logo competition of the Europäische Stiftungsweingüter
  • Olga Chernoisikov receives the Newcomer Award of the Bayrischer Journalisten-Verband
  • Dennis Halbeck receives the Newcomer Award of the Journalisten-Verband Unterfranken
  • Ines Gerlach receives the Prize for the Best Series at Pressefoto Unterfranken
  • Natalia Luzenko receives an award from the company Hahnemühle at the Symposion in Bielelfeld
  • Veronika Vogelsang and Natalia Luzenko receive a prize for their work in the Hensel Competition for Advertising Photography
  • Reiner Wengel and Daniel Zellfelder receive a prize from the city of Würzburg for their photographic series 100-Jährige in Würzburg
  • Anna Herrmann is appointed City Photographer in Darmstadt
  • Katrin Heyer is awarded the Kulturpreis der Stadt Würzburg
  • At the international newcomer competition kurzundschön, the WDR-Sonderpreis goes to Marko Martini for his animated film EINSWEITER, and the EON Kulturpreis to Waldemar Salesski for his photographic series Soviet Uniform
  • ADC Competition 2011. Silver to Georg Reil for his project Kleine Sammlung kurioser Geräuschobjekte. Further awards to Janine Iser for her degree project Zeit.Raum and to Marc Nonnenmacher for his degree project Kausalkomplexe
  • Languages through Lenses – film competition of the European Union and the European League of Institutes of the Art (ELIA) awards Steffen Boseckert for his project Common Verses. He wins €5,000 project funding, a workshop in Amsterdam and participation in the PRIX EUROPA festival in Berlin
  • 100 Best Posters from Austria, Germany and Switzerland: Maria Proctor wins an award for her exhibition poster in our 2011 semester exhibition
  • Lindauer Tagungstasche 2011 – design competition for the 61st Nobel Laureate Meeting bag won by Simone Bauer


  • Adobe Design Achievement Awards
    Natalia Luzenko wins First Place in the category Photography for To Wait and See
  • Bayerischer Staatspreis für Design 2010
    Recognition for Marc Nonnenmacher for Kausalkomplex
  • Lucky Strike Junior Design Award 2010
    (Raymond Loewy Foundation)
    Silke Hilsing wins a Special Mention for her diploma work Virtual Gravity. The Lucky Strike Junior Design Award is one of the most prestigious design prizes worldwide.
  • output international 2010
    This year too the Design Faculty of the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt had much success in the competition output international 2010. Several graduates and students make their mark:
  • Barbara Wilkesmann (Loosgelöst),
    Georg Reil, Kathy Scheuring (Kleine Sammlung kurioser Geräuschobjekte),
    Martin Kees (Jeder ist niemand)
  • Katrin Heyer receives the Darmstädter Stadtfotograf scholarship
  • Susann Nürnberger wins the BJV Newcomer Prize for ther degree project


  • Nomination for the newcomer prizes at the German Design Awards
    Sebastian Gläser’s MA project is nominated for the German Design Award, the highest official German design prize. It is offered by the minister for economic affairs, and winners are selected by the Design Council. In future there will be a financial award for newcomers alongside the main prize.
  • Freedom and Unity Jubilee
    Tina Lehnhardt wins First Prize for her photograph on the subject of Freedom and Unity in the Ministry of the Interior’s Student Competition 2009. The award ceremony took place on 6 November 2009 in Leipzig.
  • VIDA Paper Award 2009 for ‘excellence in the design of books, folders, annual reports and other printing objects’. Open to designers, design studios and design students.
    Winners: Denise Henning and Magda Leupold
  • red dot design award
    red dot: best of the best for the degree project Nea Machina, by Martin and Thomas Poschauko
  • output international 2009
    At the international output competition for the 100 best student works of 2009, four awards went to five Würzburg talents. Gloria Biberger and Ulrike Jürgens were awarded for their Feldstudie zum Datenmissbrauch. Silke Hilsing received the output distinction special award for her interactive media work impress. Mirjam Platz (Genuss genießen – Anders entdecken) and Benny Schaupp (Best before) also received prizes in this important competition. The Preis für junge Kultur for Julia Bruns (diploma project artkollission) from the city of Würzburg is also very pleasing.
  • Simone Schröder’s diploma project won Best Series at the BJV Prize for Photojournalism


  • BFF-Förderpreis 2008
    Award for Samantha Dietmar for Über Vieles. Und Nichts
  • Visual Music Award and Adobe Design Award New York
    Prestigious award for Lucas Dittebrand with his film Bamboo
  • Bayerischer Staatspreis für Design 2008
    Martin and Thomas Poschauko for their degree project Nea Machina
  • Bayerischer Staatspreis für Design 2008
    Award for Sebastian Gläser for his MA project humanmonitoring
  • Much success for the film Graphit auf Leinwand, 1920 x 1080 px, by Hanni Welter and Alex Weimer: Best University Production at the Alpinale Filmfestival; Foundling Prize at the Bundeswettbewerb Junger Film in Rostock; First Prize at the Internationale Filmtage at the University of Applied Sciences Schwäbisch Hall; Animation Prize at the Deutscher Jugendvideopreis 2008; Produzenten Clip at the Youth Media Festival Berlin; Second Prize at the UFO Short Film Festival 2008 in Leipzig
  • Junior ADC Deutschland
    Award for the advertising campaign Organspende, by Paul Grabowski
  • Lucky Strike Junior Design Award 2008
    (Raymond Loewy Foundation)
    1st Prize for the diploma project Nea Machina, by Martin and Thomas Poschauko
  • Lucky Strike Junior Design Award 2008
    (Raymond Loewy Foundation)
    Special Mention for the diploma project Methods of Mass Seduction, by Christian Nath


  • output international 2007
    Honours and publications for Martin and Thomas Poschauko’s diploma project, Sybille Neumeyer’s degree project and Marc Nonnenmacher’s semester project
  • Adobe Design Achievement Award 2007
    Final round for Julia Bruns (award ceremony in San Francisco, 02.08.07)
  • SPACE-TIME Student Interactive Competition (ACM Siggraph)
    Honorable Mention for Marion Rüth (award ceremony in San Diego, 08.07.07)
  • red dot design award 2007
    2nd Prize in the category Communication Design (congratulations to Katrin Bächstädt, Kathrin Schönmeier and Markus Braun)
  • Schönste Bücher aus aller Welt 2007, Bronze Medal for Tatjana Triebelhorn


  • Schönste Bücher 2006, Stiftung Buchkunst
    Award (presentation at the Frankfurt Book Fair in autumn 2007)
  • Deutscher Jugendfotopreis 2006
    Presented at photokina 2006
  • Filmpreis Mediencampus Bayern
    1st Prize for O Sole Mio, by Hanni Welter und Alex Weimar
  • Lucky Strike Junior Design Award 2006 (Raymond Loewy Foundation)
    1st Prize for the diploma project Recreating Movement, by M. Hilpoltsteiner
  • Bayerischer Staatspreis für Design 2006
    1st Prize in Communication Design
  • output international 2006
    Publication of two works by Würzburg design students



  • red dot design award 2005
    Winner in the category Communication Design/Digital Media
  • IF concept award 2005
    Two diploma projects among the winners
  • output international 2005
    Publication of three works by Würzburg design students
  • Mensch&Computer 2005
    Invitation to present a degree project at the J. Keppler University, Linz
  • FILE-Electronic Language International Festival, Sao Paulo
    Invitation to present a degree project
  • Animago-Award 2005
    1st Prize in the category Education/Interactive/Infotainment
  • 3D and Virtual Reality Competition – FH Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Austria
    2nd Prize in the category Interactive



  • Wilhelm-Renkhoff-Stiftung
    Awards for 2003 and 2004
  • Bayerischer Staatspreis für Design 2004
    Several finalists
  • Medienpreis Unterfranken 2004
    1st Prize in the category Design
  • Katrin Heyer receives the Darmstädter Stadtfotograf scholarship 2004 from the Werkbund for her diploma project



  • Bundes-Jugend-Videowettbewerb Young Media 2003
    1st Prize
  • Entry in the ADC Yearbook
    Best Student Work
  • Schönstes Buch 2003
    Award from the Stiftung Buchkunst
  • Elly-Goetz-Stiftung für Fotografie
    1st Prize to Katrin Heyer
  • output international
    Many of the 100 Best Student Works
  • top ten
    Design Faculty Würzburg among the 10 best German design schools
  • Deutscher Studienpreis 2003
    1st Prize for Best Student Work
  • red dot award 2003
    Award for Best Student Work from the Designzentrum Nordrheinwestfalen


  • Joseph-Binder-Award 2002
    Award in the category Innovation/Multimedia from Design Austria; 1st Prize in the student competition bayern desig