City.Intervention – Rediscovering public space.
18.10. - 29.11.24

The artist Kathatina Lüdicke shares her approach to the city.

The three-part workshop series Stadt.Intervention began with a joint approach to everyday urban life and its space (Derivè). These explorations were followed by initial attempts at actions and gestures. The aim was to tie in with existing local structures using simple means and to visualise their own ideas for change. The chosen location (on one’s own doorstep) is a field of experimentation, the added element (action, object) is a means of demoscopy and a way of thinking about urban space.

Impressionen aus der Worshopreihe Stadt.Intvervention
Franziska Schön
Impressionen aus der Worshopreihe Stadt.Intvervention
Franziska Schön

Katharina Lüdicke’s work focuses on provisional and imperfect aspects of urban space and architecture. Through transformation processes that find a form in installations, temporary buildings, drawings and short films, she opens up new perspectives on our social and built environment. More information at