power of colour

perception and creative practice of colour


The TP titled “the power of colour” focuses on colour perception and how to use it
in your creative practice. Inspired by lectures and debates on the various aspects of colour in art, science and sociology we’ll start a laboratory with a series of experiments and short projects. How do we perceive colour in relation to form in our immediate surrounding? Is form more significant, for example, while colour is perceived subjectively because it appears as an energetic phenomenon arising from electromagnetic waves that we interpret as colour, light and shadow? We want to investigate what impact colour and colour atmospheres have on our emotions.
We will create a compendium of individually preferred colour combinations. We’ll study the colours of our daily routine and transfer them into individual colour schemes. Colour meanings such as pink in gender politics or the economic developments of indigo will be investigated. The question of sustainability is sparked by designers’ frequent preference for black clothing, as black is one of the most toxic textile dyes, harming the wearer as the ecosystems.
In analogue experiments, we will create individual, harmonious colour palettes that could be the basis for a corporate identity of future projects. And in the production of a print media we will deal with questions about technology, the perception of analogue colour in comparison to light colours in digital design and what pitfalls are there when transferring to analogue media such as printing?

Consultation appointment for this course on 11.3.25 at 2 pm under the following link:


Meeting-ID: 650 2729 0345 Kenncode: 685122