spatial compositions of graphics and typography
How can information be effectively designed in space by means of typography, signs, colours, images, shapes and materials?
The content base of the design work is for example, a poem, an essay or a short text that you choose yourself.
In various exercises on form/dimension, colour/material and graphics/typography, we examine the effect of the design parameters in the spatial context. As the final project, you will design a three-dimensional spatial composition, which you will create in a model (analogue or digitally simulated), or alternatively as a small 1-to-1 installation. It is interesting here what dimension your project takes on in relation to the viewer and how the spatial composition can serve the narration.
The design process in the course thrives on joint exchange and free work with workshop character. An excursion to visit an exhibition is planned for consciously perceiving designed spaces and becoming aware of their complexity.
for questions join Zoom on 11.3.25 von 9:15 – 10:15 am
Meeting-ID: 694 3116 6382
Kenncode: 756003