Julien Posture

Virtueller Vortrag

Julien Posture is an illustrator and researcher based in Montreal, Canada. With a background in both printmaking (BFA) and anthropology (M.Sc.), his interest lies in the relationship between words and images and how meaning is being created at their intersection. In addition to his work as an editorial illustrator, he also writes on topics ranging from the social construction of the notion of style to the power dynamics within the creative industry.

The concept of style is at the core of many contemporary creative practices. Yet, rarely do we get a chance to pause and reflect on this crucial aspect of how we talk about our work. What is the origin of style ? How does it impact today’s creative industry ? Who is involved in its creation ? Are some of the questions I will talk about, interweaving them with my own work as an editorial illustrator.


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Arbeit von Julien Posture
Julien Posture
Arbeit von Julien Posture
Julien Posture
Arbeit von Julien Posture
Julien Posture
Arbeit von Julien Posture
Julien Posture
Arbeit von Julien Posture
Julien Posture