Semesterstart 2024

Welcome to the winter semester 2024-25

Here are the most important dates for the start of the new semester:

Welcome of the first semester BA Communication Design students:

We welcome our new students on 1.10.24 at 9:30 am in the photo studio. There we will explain the rest of the day’s programme and provide information about the first semester.
At 11.00 a.m., the President of THWS will welcome the new students in lecture hall H.1.1.

Welcome of the first semester MA Design & Information students:

The introduction for the Design & Information degree programme will take place on 1.10.24 at 13:00, room I.1.2.
At 11:00 a.m. the welcome by the President of the THWS will take place in lecture hall H.1.1.

Choice of courses

The course selection of the project courses for BA Communication Design (3rd to 7th semester) will take place online on Tuesday, 1.10.24 from 10:00 to 12:00 at the usual URL.
The selection of the technical courses will take place on Friday, 4 October 24 at the same URL from 10:00 to 12:00.
The lecturers offer course consultations via Zoom on 30 September. The respective dates can be found in the course descriptions.

Lectures and technical practicals will start on Monday, 7.10.24.

We are looking forward to the new semester and wish all students and lecturers a successful start!