Visual Science
Theory and analysis of visual cultures
In our society, images are central communication media that shape our perceptions and ideas. Images help shape cultural practices and play a key role in the generation of knowledge. Image studies investigates the creation of images, the attribution of meaning and their power.
The seminar provides an introduction to interdisciplinary principles. In addition to traditional image media, digital image worlds, social media, infographics, moving images and image-text constellations, etc. also play a role. With reference to the respective Master’s topics, we look at examples and apply theories, methods and analysis techniques. Classical art historical approaches as well as media and cultural studies perspectives are the starting point.
The seminar focuses, for example, on theories of iconicity, cognitive and semiotic approaches, visual communication and the critical reflection of images in cultural and social contexts. Important authors from this field will be presented, such as Aby Warburg with the picture atlas Mnemosyne, Hans Belting with picture anthropology or W.J.T. Mitchell with the “pictorial turn”.
Students have the opportunity to engage theoretically and analytically with visual media from design, art and digital culture, to combine theoretical inputs with interactive image analyses and to discuss them together. The assessment includes a presentation with reference to theory and practical image analysis.