Physical Computing

Interfaces to the digital world

In the broadest sense, physical computing means creating interactive, physical systems through the use of hardware and software. These systems react to and/or act on events in the real, analog world.

Physical computing refers to systems that deal with the relationship between humans and the digital world. Consolidation of content from Processing TP and expansion to include inputs and outputs in the analog world. We spend a large part of the course working with the Arduino platform, which offers a simple linking of sensors, LEDs, motors and other electronic components with programming environments such as Processing etc.. The electronics board can be used to create your own input and output interfaces.

Depending on your interests, other topics can be covered by arrangement.

For example

– Interaction with input devices such as Powermate or Leapmotion
– Image processing of webcam input
– Use of processing on the web with p5.js
– Loading real-time data from the web, APIs
– …