black and white photography

Basic Course in Black and White Photography and Black and White Laboratory

Keine Beschriftung

Detailed introduction to analog black and white photography as well as analog photo lab and darkroom technology in theory and practice;

Taking photos with the analouge 35mm SLR camera;

Working independently in the black and white photolab/darkroom;

Developing black and white negative film in a can tank;

Getting to know the negative-positive process;

Making black and white contact sheets in laboratory tray processing;

Making black and white enlargements in laboratory tray processing;




The dates are scheduled after the course has been chosen and are posted as an announcement on the white board in the photo corridor (next to room I.0.10) in the TH building SHL.

The first appointment for the preliminary discussion and group allocation will take place in the TH building SHL. Invitation will follow by email.


Venue: VILLA

Room: 1.01 + 1.02, 1st floor,
Randersackerer Str. 15,
97072 Würzburg