waterproof X heat resistant

How to confront the consequences of climate change with our wearables, our clothing?


Consequences of climate change will be our future threats, if its rising sea levels, along with extreme weather events as hurricanes and floods, living beings will have to deal with, as well as droughts and heatwaves. We should get prepared with equipment that will enable us to survive. This design project is an invitation to develop wearable design solutions that are innovative and sustainable. Your design process can challenge playful experimentation and exploration free from conventional thinking.
Whether your concept is based on material research, and how this material can be supplemented to open up a range of possibilities in use, or if you are developing new materials that enable certain functions. You may also explore new forms and design features, how materials can be innovatively combined with each other, experimenting with surface configurations, closures and transitions to imply versatile applicability.
In the weekly project meetings we will explore these questions through lectures, discussions and experimental research projects. In the final project, life-size prototypes will be created, presented and tested in a performance show or installation and documented in a collaborative catalogue.

Consultation appointment for this course on 11.3.25 at 2 pm under the following link:
Beratungstermin zu diesem Kurs am 11.3.25 um 14 Uhr unter folgendem link:
Meeting-ID: 650 2729 0345 Kenncode: 685122