In praise of idleness

Industrialised societies strive for productivity and efficiency. In these systems, doing nothing often has a bland aftertaste or is itself subject to a strict schedule. We mark time for relaxation in our calendars, monitor and optimise our sleep. Have we long forgotten the art of idleness, the dolce far niente – the sweet nothing? Between studies, work, family and self-expression, where is the freedom to simply be?
The devaluation of idleness since the Reformation is a relatively recent development. In ancient times, idleness was considered a privilege of free citizens and the nobility, and essential for the development of art and culture. In the Middle Ages, the spiritual mystic Hildegard von Bingen even warned against excessive activity: »But man must beware of killing his body by too much work« [1].
The Alcoa Solar Do-Nothing Machine by Ray and Charles Eames (1957) symbolises the explorations of this course. It was not designed to fulfil a ‘practical’ function [2]. It is a fascinating dance of colour and movement with no utilitarian purpose – an ode to curiosity, playfulness and the joy of pure observation of movement. The machine challenges our conventional understanding of function and utility and reminds us that there is value in pure experience. In these unstructured moments of leisure, the mind can wander and creativity can flourish.
From the aimless walk as an activity of intrinsic value, to the power nap and the sobremesa, the Spanish culture of resting after a meal [3], to procrastination, we want to look intensively at doing nothing, at leisure and at breaks and what they mean to us and our social interactions. In contrast to laziness (and Doomscrolling), the aim is to design with and for the conscious decision to pause, perceive and reflect.
In principle, the choice of media is free. Regardless, the course teaches how to develop and communicate design solutions using various prototyping techniques (digital and analogue). Aspects of production, usability or product lifecycles may (but do not have to) be tested.
I will be happy to answer questions about the course on Monday, 11.03.25 between 16:00 – 17:00 at my Zoom.
[1] von Bingen, H. (2024) Heilige Inspiration in Weisheit der Welt (Band 23).
[2] Neuhart, J., Neuhart, M., Rams, R. (1989) Teams Design. The Work of the Office of Charles and Ray Eams, New York.
[3] Randolph, M. (2018) A uniquely Spanish part of the meal, (accessed 13.02.2025)