4000 Miles (2)

Closeness despite Distance

Teaserbild für den Kurs "4000 Miles (2)" bei Prof. Judith Glaser
Judith Glaser

»We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.«
– William James, American Philosopher and Psychologist

Feeling connected tethers humans to the the earth. We search for shared threads that tie us to one another as we cast our mighty nets in attempts to capture a sense of togetherness. This innate need to feel a sense of community and belonging has prompted technological advancements that help humans transcend obstacles like time and physical distances. The contemporary understanding of proximity and nearness reflects a cultural shift as community is no longer defined by place, and with technology, we are able to maintain personal contact and presence over vast distances. Existing solutions, such as messenger services and video conferencing systems,  tend to focus on direct communication, primarily providing efficient and explicit exchange of information. However, social relationships require more subtle, versatile, and sensory ways of communicating and expressing emotions. (1)

The concept of closeness can be examined figuratively and metaphorically, for it encompasses the following: (A) the state of being only a short distance or separation in terms of space or time; (B) the kind of affection or intimacy in a relationship; (C) the attentive and thorough way of being (2). Within this course, we aim to explore these different lenses through observation, creativity, and artistic production.

4000 Miles has evolved into a second iteration; it is a continuing collaborative project between Prof. Sydney Craig, Herron School of Art and Design in Indiana, USA, and Prof. Judith Glaser, Faculty of Design Würzburg (THWS), Bavaria, Germany. These educators are pursuing high-impact practices for engaged learning as they develop intercultural, multi-disciplinary exchanges meant to encourage and embrace a global mindset. Students from both universities will be challenged to explore the conceptualization of closeness and proximity through  object studies as they work in teams across 4000 miles and through a variety of media.

Through this collaboration, we will explore and develop concepts that enable the maintenance of meaningful social relationships across spatial distances, which drive and strengthen participation, neighborliness, cooperation and solidarity within a transcontinental community. The course will culminate in a visual art and design exhibition at the Faculty of Design Würzburg (opening 22.01.25), which will illustrate the various facets of proximity through the various explorations.

I will be happy to answer questions about the course on Monday, 30.09.24 between 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. at fhws.zoom.us/my/judithglaser.
By prior agreement, the course can be taken as a Foundation Project in the 3rd semester.


(1) BMBF. (2021, November 26) Bekanntmachung der Richtlinie zur Förderung von Projekten zum Thema „Nähe über Distanz – Mit interaktiven Technologien zwischenmenschliche Verbundenheit ermöglichen“. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
(2) Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries. (n.d.). Closeness. In www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com. Retrieved September 4, 2024