The »Flachfrau«

Realization Competition: Search and design for the »missing person« — the “Flachfrau” to “Flachmann”

The “Flachfrau” to “Flachmann”: Search and design for this missing person — Realization competition of the Klein- und Obstbrennereivereins (KuOBV) – We come together to go in search of Mr. Flach’s partner.

Tender story by Gerhard Horak (KuOBV) / revised Gertrud Nolte (THWS):
“In the 111-year history of the association there is no reference to Mrs. Flach in the fundus, nothing, nothing at all. Unfortunately, we also don’t know her first name, date of birth or even her maiden name. Perhaps we at the association are still too young for that. That’s not much when we consider that women have always taken a back seat in history, or have been forgotten altogether. Behind every strong man there was and is a strong woman, the woman is always there. – In the context of genderology, the search for the lady is particularly justified today. – From my side, I only ever knew him. He was only addressed as “man” and was always a good acquaintance for me. He was always there, I could always hold on to him even in difficult times, I could always fall back on him. – We are now looking for our “Flachfrau”, the lady at the side of the well-known “Flachmann”, her appearance and her name.”

We will also take a very practical approach to the project, which represents a volume object, in workshops with quick techniques for testing design representation in 3D and working with different materials. Ms. Glaser will provide introductions to the approach.

I. Task – A pocket bottle is to be designed that can be worn inconspicuously in clothing. The container should not stand out in the clothing (breast pocket, jacket pocket). On the other hand, the object could also be worn openly as a piece of jewelry (like an amulet, a water bottle or a handbag). – Included is the naming of the object, the ‘woman to man’, the ‘flat woman’, but perhaps also non-binary or comprehensive, one for all.

Details – 200 ml; made of glass, porcelain, silver, stainless steel, pewter; can also be covered with leather; the closure must be tight, as a screw cap (thread), swing top, closure with a holder and/or as a combination with a drinking vessel, separate cap (Stamperl), for folding out (Stamperl); there must be a possibility for a signature, a designated area (artist / owner).

II. Presentation and representation of the object: – on DIN A3 / A2 as a scribble, detailed drawing, with views, use, etc. – as a bozetti: plaster model, clay model, 3D print

III. exhibition and judging – on 11.11.2025 in the Spitäle Würzburg

IV. Jury – see introduction

V. Prizes – three prizes and one purchase will be awarded and honored.

VI. realization – the selected work(s) will subsequently be realized in an edition. (The feasibility of the designs is therefore important).

Tuesday, March 25, 17.45 in 1.26


Interested, but still have questions?

Feel free to ask on Tuesday, March 11, 2.15 to 3 p.m. in my Zoom:

Or also in Ms. Glaser’s Zoom, also on March 11, 4 to 5 p.m.