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Typography and Character Systems 2_Basics_Group E

gertrud nolte

“Seven typographic works and a joint magazine on favorite places in your Würzburg 2025”

We will start as usual on a weekly basis in our room, but I would also like to work with you on a project-oriented basis and in about two intensive “summer school-like blocks” lasting several days, so that we can then replace some morning appointments. (That would be wonderful, because so much more can be experienced intensively and productively together in a shorter time).

It will be summer, you should, want and are allowed to be outside a lot, in your favorite places and experience first-hand how your concepts fit the location and develop outstanding works from them.

“Today more than ever, typography needs a school of vision: a school of the highest sensitivity, knowledge and insight into typographic quality.  — Hearsay alone is not enough.

The basics of your first semester, the hard but hearty school of first seeing, getting to know forms, standards, characters and types, design and assessment criteria and much more are now transferred in the second semester into independent application with different prerequisites and content requirements. 

The typographic detail, the eye, the hand, the judgment, as well as the variations and combinations of possibilities are also trained, always (!) in the responsibility of conveying information and caring for the observing eye. — There is enough visual pollution …

Main game:

You find and “BeSetzen” then the whole semester your favorite place in Würzburg.Choose it according to fascination, interest, emotional connection or relationships with content, look for details, spaces, areas and references. Really get to know it.

During a joint tour in Würzburg — to be organized/planned and designed by you — we will find out all the reasons for your choice. This place will become the object of all your typographic desires this semester. 

You will examine this place for a total of seven themes/contents/goals and purposes, which you will then have to implement typographically with reference to the “place” and the image of the “place”.

To accompany and help with the individual topics, each student will initially have to complete small research tasks and present them in a presentation and handout.

Conclusion: Presentation and exhibition of the “views of places and typographed statements” as completely new and individually seen places on the BERGWERK on DIN A0 charts and in our joint magazine, the “WAM #10”, which you develop and design, write and realize yourselves. 

In addition, you will create a joint course documentation as a book (approx. DIN A4) about this semester and your path to your goal.


Special features:
As desired: Writing workshop

Leipziger Typotage


Start and introduction:
Explanations and definition of research topics, deadlines, tasks and formalities and the first ToDos … I look forward to seeing you all, it’s going to be a great semester!

Tuesday March 18, 2025, 9 a.m. in 1.26