Naked Studio

Free workshop for illustration

Your studies will soon be over! Is there a project you’ve always wanted to do? The Naked Studio offers the opportunity to spend a semester working on a topic of your choice. This can result in both applied and free artistic work. In addition to basic curiosity and a free spirit of research, the prerequisite for this project course is a self-chosen topic. This does not have to be formulated in advance; we can start with a rudimentary idea or a specific interest. During the course, we will develop and condense the topics together.

Towards the end of your studies, we want to take another critical look at our work processes and our authorship. We will try to get to know our individual acting and narrative strengths better. What interests me? What are the themes of my authorship? What are the actual qualities of my visual language and why does everyone else see this and only I don’t? At what points in my project work do I repeatedly fail, and why? We go through the entire process of illustrative project work and sharpen our artistic position.

Questions about the course? Prof. Rösler will be happy to answer them in Zoom: on Monday 30. 9./  12:00 noon

>> Rösler_Zoom