
Prof. Christoph Barth

Design & Concept

Internship Advisor
Guidance Counseling

Prof. Uli Braun

Typography, graphic design

Prof. Johanna Diehl


Women's Representative

Prof. Carl Frech

Design, conception, draft

Member of the Examination Board

Prof. Claudia Frey

spatial communication design, exhibition design


Judith Glaser

Prof. Judith Glaser

Neo-analogue object design / Design for digital life and knowledge worlds

Vice Dean

Prof. Gertrud Nolte

Typography, conception and design, graphic design, script design, current design analysis

Head of Examination Board

Prof. Dr. Nicholas Müller

Sozioinformatik und gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Digitalisierung

Der Rogge

Prof. Henning Rogge-Pott

Moving image

Prof. André Rösler


Member of the Examination Board

Prof. Erich Schöls

Interactive media

Course Director Master

Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Gerhard Schweppenhäuser

Design-, Kommunikations- und Medientheorie

Dean of Studies

Christina Hackenschuh MA

Christina Hackenschuh

Typography, graphic design

International Relations & Exchange

Marcus Kaiser

Marcus Kaiser


International Relations & Exchange

Abbildung Judith-Frederike Popp

Dr. Judith-Frederike Popp

Design Philosophy, Aesthetics, Theories of science and research

Dr. Beatrice Barrois

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Theorie

Portrait Romina Birzer

Romina Birzer

Zeichnen Illustration

Dr. Bettina Brendel

text and graphic design

Lehrbeauftragte Anse Grabold

Annika Grabold


Manuel Michel


Simon Schacht

Zeichnen, Illustrationen

Illustrations-Dozent Janik Söllner erklärt im Unterricht

Janik Söllner


Tim Bingnet

Computer and printing technology

Horst Jöst

Paper workshop

Heiko Lanio

Photographic workshop

Steffen Töpfer

Model workshop

Margareta Henneberger


Felix Babel

Audio for Designers

Student Representatives

Student representatives

Student Council

Katrin Krammer

Moving image